When will we ever learn? This week feels like the beginning of the end. The mighty Fed has become a double edged sword that can cut its welder as easy as the opponent. Some may argue the Fed has always been a double edge sword. If this is true, then we got careless. Yes we, the mighty Americans, walk around yelling capitalism and free market yet behind the closed doors we find it hard to swallow and set about changing the rules mid-half to make certain victory. Don’t we teach our children this is cheating? It is to be expected the way we pick the publican. How many U.S. Mayors, Governors, Representatives and Senators have be convicted of fraud?
Call me cold hearted, I am sorry if you stand to loose your home, but the government has no business in saving people from poor decisions. There may have been wrongs and crimes committed and I believe we have a system in force to deal with this. If the lawmakers wish let them sure up the holes. Now it’s a feel for all. Companies will take even bigger risks in the future and so will consumers. Maybe I should go out and buy a house I can’t afford so I can cry about how unjust it is that a fluctuating economy did not flex in my favor and get big brother to step in a save me from myself.
Go Fanny and Freddy! I bet the millions they spend on lobbyists to buy our publicans was worth every penny. I am sure we will think so ten years from now when we have ten more Fannys and Freddys and we are obliged to put our taxes in their pockets.
Hey babe, if you do go out and buy a house you can't afford, will you please let me know first? I will try to talk some sense into you and if I can't I say we go all out. I mean if we are going to go under let's do it big time! Wouldn't it be great to have the master bedroom look like a room from Neuschwanstein?
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