Saturday, September 10, 2011

Snake Or No Snake

I will have you know that this photo came at a great personal cost, that is about 1 year of my life. This photo was taken near the transformer on the corner of my father's property. If he will remember, he must have thrown a spent spray can on the dirt slope near there. Well apparently it had enough propellant in it to make a good little hissing noise as I stepped on it while preparing to send him this photo. So picture it, me fully dressed in my suit (on my way home from Stake Conference) I had just taken this photo and was bringing up my email to send it to him and I hear this hissing sound under my feet. Needless to say my feet next touched the ground about 10 feet away and 6 feet lower in elevation. It was all very involuntary, I heard the hiss, my brain said, "You've just stepped on a snake. Idiot!", then I remembered I couldn't fly either. But I did manage to hold on to my phone.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Can't stop laughing. Sooo funny.