Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Rant

While driving to work I had the radio dialed to a station I do not normally listen to as NPR was rather dull. While half listening I overheard the DJ welcome a guest who was going to review strange news. This appealed to me, so I began listening in. One of the strange stories that they discussed extensively was one of a man who found $149,000 on the side of the road. The strange part to them was that he returned the money to the bank it belonged to for which he received a $2,000 reward.

The guest expressed that the man was ignorant for doing so whereas the DJ advised he is a believer in karma and would have returned the money for the sake of karma. As they went on discussing the question, the guest referred to the money being unmarked and hence finders keepers. The DJ kept referring to karma and that he would have returned the money and been happy with $2000 more than he had before because he believed if he hadn’t it would come back to him.

The longer I listened the more it seemed to me neither of the men had a good philosophy. One was just a blatant liar and sold his integrity for the mere expression of his opinion and the other, while possibly well intentioned, is selfish. I am sick of karma being given as a suitable replacement for morality. Karma is a corporeal attempt to understand an eternal law. It is simply a theory created by men to control others in the absence of true principles and nothing more.

Karma is flawed in concept by expecting moral behavior that is motivated by fear.
Karma is fate, fortune, kismet, luck, coincidence, fluke, happenstance, quirk, and fear. It is anything but truth and wholly wrong. What is wrong with being honest and having integrity? Being caught or suffering punishment is not adequate motivation for a personal code of conduct.


Mary W said...

I must say Brad, I have never heard karma explained so well. I totally agree!

Ben & Diane said...

where those all the words the thesaurus used for the word karma? :)